E-Learning Modules

We share links to IPBES-related materials and helpful eLearning resources and tools from various sources on this page.

When you click on any of the links given below, you will be directed away from the WABES website. The contents provided on these external websites remain the absolute property of the owners of the website:



IPBES provides two eLearning modules in English on ‘The IPBES Conceptual Framework’ and ‘The IPBES Assessment Process’:

Link to IPBES eLearning Page

BES-Net complements and contributes to the capacity building work of IPBES and provides valuable materials on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services both in English and French:

Link to BES-Net Resource Knowledge Library

ValuES provides materials on methods for mainstreaming ecosystem services into policy, planning, and practice in English, Russian, and Spanish:

Link to ValuES Resource

The Sub-Global Assessment Network (SGAN) hosted at UNEP-WCMC provides a range of eLearning materials such as webinars and reports of capacity building workshops in English:

Link to SGAN Resource