Where and When?
The second WABES expert workshop was held in Accra, Ghana from June 19 to 21, 2018.
The General Objective of the workshop:
The overall objective of the workshop is to facilitate networking of West African Experts with a view to better support the implementation of the work programme of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), in particular its thematic, methodological, regional and global assessment.
The intended outputs:
- The WABES project, IPBES and its work programmes are known in the West African sub-region and actions are undertaken towards its implementation
- Participants have the opportunity to exchange information on IPBES-relevant topics and to strengthen networking activities
- Participants get a better idea on how to contribute to the IPBES process and how to make use of the capacity building activities of IPBES
- A strategy for the implementation of key messages of the Africa Assessment in West African countries is developed
Find the report of the 2018 Workshop here.